We’re now health/safety certified by American Ratings Corp., demonstrating our superior knowledge, training, and commitment to following recommended COVID-19 health and safety protocols.
☑ Complete a self-screening survey daily which certifies that they are symptom-free and have not been exposed to COVID-19;
☑ Wear disposable surgical masks throughout the workday;
☑ Properly dispose of PPE per CDC guidelines;
☑ Avoid handshakes and touching face;
☑ Wash hands per CDC guidelines before and after wearing masks/gloves, before returning to the podium from a meal or bathroom break;
☑ Use hand sanitizer while at the valet podium;
☑ Cough or sneeze using a tissue and discard immediately, and wash/sanitize hands after
☑ “Safe-Park” sanitization guidelines from National Parking Association
☑ Remain at home when sick, and immediately sent home when exhibiting any signs of a fever (such as elevated body temperature, body aches or chills)
Most importantly, our employees are to remain at home if they are sick, and are immediately sent home if they exhibit any signs of a fever (such as elevated body temperature, body aches or chills). We continue to monitor CDC recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and will update these protocols as needed.
Updated August 1, 2021